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What is the FET Academy and how can I be selected for this?Our Academy is a 30-week program made up of selected committed players from around Perth. The Academy runs in alignment with school terms 1, 2 & 3. In term 4 our Academy players progress into our immensely popular Off-Season: Evolution Premier League (EPL). We have been operating since 2018 but commenced our Academy in 2022 and we are becoming stronger each year. The Academy is made up of three player categories: Academy Player (Minimum commitment of 2 sessions per week) Academy Train-On (Minimum commitment of 1 session per week) Academy Development (Minimum commitment of 1 session per week) * Learn more on these categories at the FAQ section: What is the difference between Academy: Players, Train-On & Development All players in the FET Academy can train anywhere with us up to 4 times per week from ages 8 - 16. Players have the option to take part in 2 x Technical sessions per week, 2 x Game Training sessions and 1 x Athletic Development Session available also. Players who are selected as Academy Players play games every 3 weeks on a Friday night either against each other through an intra-academy format or against other clubs. Our Academy players compete in many matches across the year. In 2022 our Academy players played 36 matches totalling 2,070 minutes. Already, we have built on these number dramatically and in 2023 our players took part in 96 matches equalling 3,440 minutes played. As of 2023 our players travel internationally / domestically each year! We trial once per year for our Academy squads selections, with the trials for external players being held in the months of November / December. We allow players to still trial throughout the year for Academy train-on positions. We aim to develop and promote from with in our train-on / development players prior to bringing external players in to our Academy squads however, we are always watching football and looking for players who will fit in to our squads and the evident style of our play. You can express your interest anytime here however, please note each of our initial intake for squad selections is conducted in November / December.
What is the difference between Academy: Players, Train-On & DevelopmentSo to support players in all realms of development we offer three tiers: Academy Players: are players who are selected to be in our Academy squads. They play games with us every 3 weeks, train at a minimum twice per week and have priority to be given first pick to tours & tournaments (international / domestic). All Academy Players are given automatic places to our off-season: Evolution Premier League Academy Train-On: are players who are assessed to be competent to advanced in their development who either just missed out on our squad selections due to limited and competitive places available or have joined us later in the year once academy squads have been determined. Train-On players still train with Academy players and can be considered for promotion into squads as well as tours & tournaments. Academy Development: are players who are assessed to be at a lesser stage in their development who demonstrate a strong willingness to learn and improve. Academy development players do train at the same times as per academy players/train-ons. However, they train with other Academy development players to best support their current developmental requirements. Express your Academy interest here
What is FET Minis and how can I be selected for this?Our Minis program is a 30-week commitment that is made-up of young footballers aged 4 - 8 years old. Our Minis platform does not require you to be 'selected', this program has been designed to welcome all young players to the game of football that addresses important areas relevant to their phase of development and more importantly teaches young footballers to foster a love for the game! Minis players have the option to train 1 - 3 times per week as well as (optionally) enjoy in-house matches once per week. New players are welcome to come and try a free session! Register here
I already play for another club, does this mean I can't join?Absolutely, you can still be considered to join! We currently exist as a supplementary provider that acts in co-existence to your club regime. A lot of our players play for club and play/train with us also! We also can solely act as your full-time form of development if you choose to.
How do I join? / What is the registration process?Our Registration process is very simple and efficient. Minis players can register here. All players from the age of 8 and up must register to trial as it allows our team to make the an initial assessment and streamlines our registration process making it more efficient on the back end. When you process your registration, (all interested players are to follow the links on our Website to the relevant program and fill out the associated form). The forms are automatically sent to our head office and clients will receive a “SUCCESS” message on the landing page prior to receiving an automated email to their entered email address (Please be aware this can sometimes arrive in Junk). Following the successful submission an SMS will be forwarded 48 hours prior to the trial commencement highlighting all final details. IMPORTANT NOTE* When entering your details, Phone number and email address please be sure the details are correct as errors in number and email fields will make it impossible for us to communicate with you
What is the makeup of each class and how many players per coach?Our classes are designed to engage players of all ages and challenge them in a high quality, highly focused environment. Our sessions are always adjusted to benefit each individual so no player is ever training outside of their current level. We always adjust training groups based on individual development given each player is different and through our experience in this industry we assess accordingly. Minis: 8 Players : 1 Coach U8 - U9 Academy: 10 Players : 1 Coach U10 - U12 Academy: 12 Players: 1 Coach U13 - U16 Academy: 14 Players : 1 Coach Goalkeepers: We attempt to have no more than 4 - 6 GKs working with our specialist goalkeeper coaches at one time
What are your Camps?Our camps are based in the school holidays bridging the gap between each of our Terms. Our camps exist for players aged 4 - 16, Male and Female! They are challenging but enjoyable days involving technical work and game play. It also serves as a great way to get to know our coaches and commence your work with FET as its not a huge initial commitment and allows our coaches to assess new players inside a new environment. Keep and eye on our camps tab for the next camp.
How do I pay?We have various Payment methods... For upfront payments, it can be made in cash on the first day or via EFT prior to the program commencement. It is important that full payment or commitment to a payment method is made prior to the your notified cut-off. Given our classes fill very quickly, We unfortunately can not allow players to take part without payment before their first session. If you are absent on the first day without notice or payment, we will then provide the spot to the next player on our waiting list.
Do you accept Active kids vouchers?We do not accept Active kids vouchers.
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